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Meetings with local stakeholders in Greece

    Forest services

    The University of Thessaly met last week with the local Forest service of Magnesia to discuss the presence of gypsy moth in the area. Other important elements were discussed and available information was requested mainly on historical and information on recent outbursts of the moth.

    The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) had a meeting with the authorities of the Forest Service of Parnis in 05/11/2021. The goals of Life eGymer were thoroughly communicated. Due to unexpected fires that completely destroyed the historic forest of Tatoi, alternative areas, suffering Lymantria dispar infestations, for contacting the experimentation were requested. The authorities were very enthusiastic about the overall concept of Life eGymer and indicated the new areas. AUA visited these places. Later, an application was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Energy requesting an official permission to contact the experiments. We are glad to announce that our Ministry provided the requested permission. Furthermore, the forest of the Institute of Agricultural Science will be used as an additional place of experimentation.

    Map of the new places in South Greece where the experiments shall be conducted.