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Home » Pheromone traps in Slovenia

Pheromone traps in Slovenia

    Various deployments are taking place at the moment within the 3 countries involved in trap application. Below, some recents ones with initial results.

    On June 2 2022 the pheromone traps G-Trap, eGymer 1 trap and eGymer 2 trap (White funnel) were first set at location Ginjevec (46.626549; 16.349476) in NE Slovenia.

    Previously, during the third inspection (May 27 2022) of trunk traps San San and Econex at two locations in NE Slovenia, we have found 9 caterpillars at Ginjevec (46.626549; 16.349476) and 2 caterpillars at Murska Suma (46.514520; 16.521095). The first caterpillars were caught mainly in the San San traps.

    Take a look at photos from the applications: